Fresh Sweet Lime

Fresh Sweet Lime

Sweet limes are used for many purposes for example it is suitable for eating and contains amount of oil includes peel oil as well as juice oil and they are volatile in nature. It contains high amount of ascorbic acid (Sandhu & Minhas, 2006) and its juice is used as a sweet drink in summer. Limonene (60.17%) was the most abundant terpene, followed by gamma- terpinene (11.80%), terpinolene (2.96%), beta-pinene (2.08%), linalool (1.85%), р- cymene (1.38%), geranial (1.33%) and alpha-terpineol (1.28%). The remaining terpenes amounted to 1% found in the peel oil of the sweet lime (Abdul et al., 1992)

Fresh Sweetlime

Price : INR 45.00 - 130.00 Per Kilogram


Application Making Custards, Making Juice, Making Syrups
Cultivation Type Organic
Moisture 88.4
Protein 0.8g
Fat 0.3g
Minerals 0.7g
Fibers 0.5g
Carbohy drates 9.3g
Calcium 40 mg
Potassium 490 mg
Iron 0.7mg
Vitamin C 50 mg

Additional Information

Min. Order Quantity 3000 Kilogram

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